Tag: steamed shrimp cocktail

Beer Boiled Shrimp
Shrimps Recipe

Beer Boiled Shrimp

Beer Boiled Shrimp Hello friends, welcome to Shrimps Recipe. Today we are going to make Beer Boiled Shrimp. This was my stepfather’s crowd-pleasing recipe. It’s simple to make, and the longer the shrimp sit, the better! You can prepare the shrimp a day ahead, refrigerate, and reheat before serving. The leftover liquid can be frozen […]

Steamed Shrimp
Shrimps Recipe

Steamed Shrimp

Steamed Shrimp Hello friends, welcome to Shrimps Recipe. Today we are going to make Steamed Shrimp. This how-to steam shrimp recipe results in perfectly steamed shrimp you can add to any pasta dish, or feel free to serve chilled with cocktail sauce. Recipe Summary for Steamed Shrimp preparation: 5 mins cook: 10 mins total: 15 […]